Guardian Advocacy
When a Guardian Advocate is Needed
Florida has a special type of Guardianship called a Guardian Advocacy for people with developmental disabilities. A guardianship is a legal relationship created by the court, which declares the protected person to be incapacitated and appoints the guardian as a fiduciary to act in the ward's stead.
In the case of a developmentally disabled adult, guardian advocacy can allow parents or other caregiver to continue to care for the developmentally disabled person beyond adulthood in areas such as giving informed consent for medical procedures and mental health treatment; access to medical records and ability to speak with health care providers; managing money or property; applying for government benefits; and deciding on residential choices.
Guardian Advocacy can be a difficult, delicate matter. The transition into adulthood for developmentally disabled residents is not always easy, as often they still require care and assistance from their parents/caregivers for years beyond reaching the age of majority. Preserving relationships while protecting the interests and rights of the prospective ward often requires skilled legal assistance.Working to Protect Rights and Preserve Relationships
At the law office of Lisa Jo Spencer, P.A., we regularly represent guardian advocates and wards. We understand what a challenging situation the need to appoint a guardian advocate can create. Our goal is to protect the interests and well-being of our clients while minimizing conflict wherever possible.
Lisa Jo Spencer has years of experience with helping clients through the guardianship process. The skilled and respectful way in which we help families has led many professionals, including financial planners and assisted living facilities, to refer their clients and clients' families to us for assistance.
If you are dealing with circumstances in which guardian advocacy may be appropriate, we look forward to reviewing your situation with you. If a guardian advocacy is the only option, we will help to make the process as easy as possible for you. If there are other alternatives, we will explore them with you and help you evaluate options.
The law office of Lisa Jo Spencer, P.A. handles cases mainly in Okaloosa, Walton and Santa Rosa Counties. To learn more about guardian advocacy in Florida or the services we offer, please contact our office at (850) 226-4998 to schedule a consultation.